彭博中文网 > 商业 > 威尼斯双年展特别推荐艺术家张献春




What isLa Biennale di Venezia?

全球第一个双年展“双年展之母西方艺术的风向标首届威尼斯双年展举行于 1895 年,自 1907年起,随着威尼斯双年展从全国艺术双年展扩大为国际艺术双年展,至今已成了历史最悠久的当代艺术和值得关注的建筑设计大展 (奇数年为艺术双年展,在偶数年为建筑双年)。


Introduction to celebrities

张献春(宪春、典春)齐鲁松竹斋主,1944 年生,山东莘县人。自幼受家中长辈的熏陶指导,喜好书画。曾毕业于山东聊城艺专,首届书画函授大学,曾受著名书画家娄师白、李锋、高冠华等大师的亲授。现为国家高级书法师、高级美术师,国家一- 级美术(国画)师、一级书法师,中南海国礼中心“国礼艺术家”,中国王羲之书画艺术研究院副院长,中国国学研究会研究员,中国国画院、艺术教育学院副院长兼职教授,中国国画家协会理事,中国服务贸易协会国际交流工作委员会会员,山东省书画学会会员,山东临沂市政协书画室“特邀画家”,孔子美术馆签约艺术家,山东临沂市书协、美协会员等。几十年来,作品多次参加省、市和全国举办的书画展赛,以及日、韩、新、马、泰、西班牙等国举办的“书画交流展”,并多次获奖。

作品被《中国书画报》《国际日报》《经济导报》《大众日报》《新晨报》《山东专刊》《山东省 书画学会会刊》《中国老年书画艺术》《老年教育》《人民美术报》《中国企业报导艺术资本》《临沂兰山大众》等报刊及山东电视台报道推介,同时还在国家和地方几十家网络媒体网站推广宣传报导,作品曾入选“中华名人大典”、“百年巨匠”、“中国美术史”、“轩辕志”、“百年翰墨不负丹青”、盛世华章”、“1922 -2022 世界艺术年鉴”等二十余部大型书画艺术典籍并出版个人书画册集。书画作品曾被人民会堂、外交部、钓鱼台国宾馆、国家画院、吉尔吉斯共和国政府等收藏,同时还被北京八达岭长城文化公园刻石展出。2019年“张献春书画工作室”被中国中外名人文化研究会授予“首批中国文化名人工作室”称号,并赠锦旗、铜牌和证书。

2021 年时值建党百年之际,由中国书协、中国美协、中国人民书画艺术研究院、中国文化艺术人才管理中心、中国华夏国墨书画院五单位授予“德艺双馨人民艺术家”荣誉称号。2023年春节,书画作品参加了一带一路20多个驻华使馆举办的《大国文化名家贺岁》视频巡展活动。





Zhang Xianchun (Xianchun, Dianchun) is the owner of Qilu Songzhuzhai, born in 1944, from Xin County, Shandong Province. I have been influenced by my elders since I was a child, and I like calligraphy and painting. He graduated from Shandong Liaocheng Art College, the first Correspondence University of Calligraphy and Painting, and was personally taught by famous calligraphers Lou Shibai, Li Feng, Gao Guanhua and other masters. He is now a national senior calligrapher, a senior artist, a national first-level art (Chinese painting) and a first-class calligrapher, a "national ceremonial artist" of the Zhongnanhai National Ceremony Center, the vice president of the Chinese King Xizhi Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Institute, a researcher of the Chinese Academy of Sinology, an assistant professor of the vice president of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Painting and the Academy of Art Education, a director of the Chinese Painters Association, a member of the International Exchange Working Committee of the China Service Trade Association, a member of the Shandong Calligraphy and Painting Society, a "specially invited painter" in the calligraphy and painting studio of the Shandong Linyi Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a contract artist of the Confucius Art Museum, a member of the Shandong Linyi Calligraphy Association Over the past few decades, his works have participated in calligraphy and painting exhibitions held by provinces, cities and countries, as well as calligraphy and painting exchange exhibitions held by Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Malaysia, Thailand, Spain and other countries, and have won many awards.

The works have been promoted by China Calligraphy and Painting Newspaper, International Daily, Economic Guide, Volkswagen Daily, New Morning Post, Shandong Special Issue, Shandong Calligraphy and Painting Society Journal, China Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Art, Education for the Elderly, People's Fine Arts Daily, China Enterprise Report Art Capital, Linyi Lanshan Volkswagen and Shandong TV Station. At the same time, it has also promoted and publicized and publicity reports on dozens of online media websites at the national and local levels. The works have been selected into more than 20 large-scale calligraphy and painting art classics, such as "Chinese Celebrity Ceremony", "Centennial Giant Craftsman", "Chinese Art History", "Xuanyuanzhi", "Centennial Calligraphy and Ink Live Up to Danqing", Shengshi Huazhang, 1922-2022 World Art Yearbook". Calligraphy and painting have been collected by the People's Hall, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Diaoyutai State Guest House, the National Academy of Painting, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, etc. At the same time, they have also been carved and exhibited stones in Beijing Badaling Great Wall Cultural Park. In 2019, "Zhang Xianchun Calligraphy and Painting Studio" was awarded the title of "First Batch of Chinese Cultural Celebrity Studios" by the Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Culture Research Association, and presented banners, bronze medals and certificates.

In 2021, on the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the honorary title of "People's Artist of Virtue and Art" was awarded by five units: the China Calligraphy Association, the Chinese Artists Association, the Chinese People's Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Institute, the China Cultural and Art Talent Management Center, and the Chinese Chinese Academy of Calligraphy and Painting. During the Spring Festival in 2023, calligraphy and painting participated in the video tour of "Celebrities of the Great Power Cultural New Year" held by more than 20 embassies of the Belt and Road Initiative in China.

In May 2023, calligraphy and painting works were selected into the New York Times Square video exhibition of "Seeing China at the Top of Art". In June 2023, he was invited to participate in the art special issue of Guangming Daily's Leading Figures in the Art World. In today's art world, there are many calligraphers and painters, but there are those who can write and those who can draw, but there are few people who can practice both calligraphy and painting, and there are even fewer people who can make calligraphy and painting the ultimate. Mr. Zhang Xianchun is one of the best. Looking at Mr. Zhang's works, he has profound skills, and he is quite accomplished in practice, regular script, official script, seal and grass. The book is as fast as the sky, the pen is smooth, and it is done in one go. The ancient teacher is not the ancient, and the learning ancient has become ancient. It injects the atmosphere of the current era into the traditional calligraphy. It is not only vast and ancient, but also has its own unique contemporary appearance.The expression is breathtaking. Its grass is clean and vigorous, vivid and smooth, full of charm, the flowing and connected dots and unrestrained lines in the book, all have the meaning of freedom and etherealness and transcendence.

The whole book is written in one go, the handwriting is elegant, the paper is falling, the Zen spirit comes with the situation, the rules are staggered, the style of the work is high and difficult, and the scrolls are inadvertently." It is quite the charm of Chinese calligraphy and a good product of contemporary art works. Traditional Chinese paintings are painted with books, and their works originate from life and teachers and nature. What the painter sees in his eyes and thinks in his heart.The clouds expressed in landscape traditional Chinese painting are uniquely three-dimensional, and the flowers are bright and dark, thick and light, and they are also very well accomplished. In addition to appreciating calligraphy and painting, feel the elegance of its works! From Zhang Xianchun's works, we see a person who seeks and keeps improving, and a person who has a unique perspective and innate aura in the pursuit of beauty. He is not arrogant or impatient, indifferent to fame and wealth, like a orchid, quietly blooming with his own fragrance.


Appreciation  of  Zhang Xianchun's art  works


Zhang Xianchun Art


Zhang Xianchun Art


Zhang Xianchun Art


Zhang Xianchun Art


Zhang Xianchun Art


Zhang Xianchun Art


Zhang Xianchun Art


Zhang Xianchun Art


Zhang Xianchun Art


Zhang Xianchun Art

