彭搏新闻社 > 商业 > 稀粮世家荣获中央电视台《为爱助力》栏目“CCTV慈善爱心企业”荣誉称号


Thin food family won the CCTV 《Help for love》 column"CCTV Charity Enterprise" honorary tit



Thin food family won the CCTV 《Help for love》 column"CCTV Charity Enterprise" honorary title

"Love out love back, blessing to blessing", recently, thin food family won the CCTV《Help for love》 column "CCTV Charity Enterprise" honorary title.

Thin grain family is a functional agriculture based, selenium rich industry as the core of the enterprise. Since its establishment, it has been committed to the research and development, production and sales of selenium rich products in functional agriculture, the implementation of scientific selenium supplement strategy, and the cooperation with major university laboratories, the establishment of a comprehensive scientific selenium supplement system. Enterprises to "integrity", "gratitude", "professional" and "win-win" as the business philosophy, adhering to the "let selenium rich food into thousands of households" as their responsibility, to create the whole industry chain selenium rich products leading brands, the development of functional agriculture, help rural revitalization, for the benefit of farmers, for the efficiency of enterprises, for the government to solve the problem, so that more high-quality selenium rich food on the people's family table.

"Functional agriculture" was first proposed by academician Zhao Qiguo of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2008. It is believed that functional agriculture is the third development stage of agricultural development after high-yield agriculture and green agriculture. It is one of the main directions for the transformation and upgrading of modern agriculture in the world, and it meets the new social needs of "eating healthy" after "eating well" and "eating safely". It is also an important measure to implement the strategy of "healthy China". Functional agriculture refers to a new type of business that can produce agricultural products rich in micronutrients and other beneficial components. The fundamental goal is to solve the problem of "hidden hunger" caused by insufficient intake of micronutrients, achieve nutritional balance, and maintain human health.

In November 2020, Thin Food Family actively practiced the spirit of public welfare and participated in the "Warm Project - Blue Light Action" of the Chinese Lions Association on diabetes, aiming to "wake up the awareness of anti-sugar, promote the benefit of the public and donate a large number of health materials to the Association."

On June 04, 2021, the national scientific Selenium Supplement academic seminar and thin grain family brand conference was held at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, indicating that the road of thin grain family brand officially set sail.

Thin food family brand founder accepted NetEase news, Tencent video, Youku, iQiyi and other network media interview said that thin food family actively responded to the call of "healthy China, practice the concept of" clear water and green mountains is Jinshan Silver mountain ", the health concept is passed on.

Thin food family for many years to Nanjing district home for the disabled elderly and other difficult groups donated living materials, the founder and the company's various layers of management is physical practice, every year the day of the disabled personally led the team to the disabled elderly home to visit them.

In December 2022, the brand of Thin grain Family was invited by the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee to help promote rural revitalization in Guannan County to help disabled students in Tianlou Town, Guannan County, Lianyungang City.

During the public welfare period, the Thin food family united with Jiangsu Yongshi Team and other friends to make donations and donations to help replace 400 sets of desks and chairs, and cold supplies for the disabled.

For a long time, thin food family cares for the vulnerable groups, helps the elderly, the disabled, and carries forward the spirit of selfless dedication, actively participates in charitable undertakings over the years, and wins the honorary title of caring charity enterprise.

In July 2023, the launching ceremony of Zhashui County Fungus Industry Prosperity Project and the Academic Seminar of Zhashui Family on Se-rich Fungus and Health was held in Zhashui County, Shangluo City, Shaanxi Province, with the theme of "Extending the industrial chain, upgrading the value chain, integrating the supply Chain, Planning the health value of the whole industry Chain of Fungus, and Helping Rural Revitalization", sponsored by the People's Government of Zhashui County and Xliangjia Family. Experts from Shaanxi Normal University, School of Pharmacy, Xi 'an Jiaotong University, Shaanxi Institute of Microbiology and representatives from many industries and enterprises attended the meeting.

In the launching ceremony of the fungus industry boom project, thin grain family also signed long-term strategic cooperation with local fungus planting in Zhashui County to achieve the long-term goal of consumption to help farmers and rich farmers.

In September 2023, the thin food family brand successfully signed the world free Combat champion Ms. Liu Hanfeng as the brand image ambassador, opening a new brand standard. Thin grain family will also continue to forge ahead and continue to move forward, develop selenium-rich functional agriculture, and help rural revitalization.

On September 13, 2023, the Thin grain Family successfully held the "Selenium and human health · The third Selenium Culture Festival of Thin Grain Family" in Yichun Wentang, the "world capital of selenium Nutrition", and members' representatives from all over the country and many industry experts and leaders witnessed the important moments of the brand.

On May 15, 2024, the Selenium and human health high-quality Development Forum sponsored by the thin grain Family and the thin grain family welcomed the twelfth National Selenium Supplement Day cultural ceremony held in Nanjing, the holding of this ceremony will be the thin grain family national selenium supplement cause once again set off a climax, health is the common pursuit of the people, is an important symbol of national prosperity and national prosperity, no healthy people, There is no healthy China, to the people's health as the center, is the responsibility and mission of all members of the thin food family, under the guidance of the healthy China strategy, thin food family responded to the call to "vigorously develop functional agriculture, help the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside", once again set sail for the cause of national science selenium, for the cause of national health to write a new magnificent chapter.



