调查显示女性高管中女性的比例从五年前的17%上升到21%The survey showed that the proportion of women in senior management rose from 17% five years ago to 21%作者:admin浏览:1742019-10-28
Facebook新闻以Breitbart为来源启动Facebook News Starts with Breitbart as Source作者:admin浏览:1142019-10-28
Powerhouse Energy公司将废塑料变成氢能汽车的燃料Powerhouse Energy Company Turned Waste Plastics into Fuel for Hydrogen Vehicles作者:admin浏览:1212019-10-28
迈克尔院士受聘为联合国科学技术组织联合主席Academician Michael Appointed as Co-Chairman of United Nations Science and Technology Organization作者:admin浏览:1602019-10-18
迈克尔院士受聘为国际信息发展组织 学术委员会联合主席Academician Michael Appointed as Co-Chairman of the Academic Committee of the International Organization for Information Development作者:admin浏览:2392019-10-18
经济学家认为经济放缓只会加剧Economists think the economic slowdown will only intensify作者:admin浏览:4822019-10-09
PayPal退出Facebook的天秤座加密货币协会PayPal Withdraws from Facebook\'s Libra Encrypted Currency Association作者:admin浏览:1552019-10-07
航空公司称,在波音737 NG飞机上发现了“裂纹问题”The airline said it found a "crack problem" on the Boeing 737 NG plane.作者:admin浏览:842019-09-29
美国最高能源监管机构对煤炭国家的垮台感到痛苦U.S. Supreme Energy Regulatory Agency Suffers from Collapse of Coal Countries作者:admin浏览:1542019-09-25
美国和法国在数字税收上达成妥协US and France Reach a Compromise on Digital Tax作者:admin浏览:1002019-09-24