彭博中文网 > 互联网 > 威尼斯双年展特别推荐艺术家阮祖英




What isLa Biennale di Venezia?

全球第一个双年展“双年展之母西方艺术的风向标首届威尼斯双年展举行于 1895 年,自 1907年起,随着威尼斯双年展从全国艺术双年展扩大为国际艺术双年展,至今已成了历史最悠久的当代艺术和值得关注的建筑设计大展 (奇数年为艺术双年展,在偶数年为建筑双年)。

阮祖英:笔名风雅颂。国家高级书法师、国家高级书法指导师。现为中央国家机关书法家协会会员;人民美术艺术家委员会委员; 中国书画家联谊会新文艺群体书画家工作委员会理事;中国楹联学会书法研究会常务理事;广东省金融书法家协会理事; 雅昌艺术网艺术家会员;被授予“全国百位优秀人民书画家”荣誉称号、“中国新长城艺术家”荣誉称号、 “新冠战‘疫’特别模范艺术家”荣誉称号、“新时代雷锋传人”荣誉称号; “建党百年全国首批书法传承人”称号。


作品还先后入选《时代中国人艺术名家》《当代艺术领军人物创新与梦想》《中国领军人物》《华夏名人荟萃》等大型综合文献。2014年参加全国第二届硬笔书法册页手卷作品艺术大展获奖,2015参加第六届“中国国际书画艺术大赛”获奖,2017年荣获“中国长城文化金奖”,其代表书法作品永久镌刻八达岭新长城永载史册。2017年12月作品入选记我国“百位专家”成果集锦,由中国新闻联合出版社公开发行的《中国创新力量》大型文献。2018年1月作品入选人民日报社主管公开发行的《人民美术艺术家》 刊物。2018年1月作品在新长城传媒、百度、新华网、新浪、环球网、今日头条等15家媒体以“笔精墨妙 典雅清逸”阮祖英书作专题报道。2018 年 3 月,在凤凰网作品参加新时代书画领军代表人物献礼两会展播。2018年4月,其作品参加由中国企业报道改革开放40周年突出贡献艺术名家作品展。5月4日作品入选由中国文化发展出版社公开发行的《中国杰出人物志》大型文献。 5月25日应邀请参加人民日报社民生周刊:袭古创今,访谈纪录片拍摄。6月由中国企业报道、中企报盟信息科学研究院向企业重点推荐助力企业文化建设入《中国当代书画名家库》;2019年5月作品参加人民日报社等多家网络媒体重点推荐《当代艺术领军人物》弘扬艺术文化,表彰先进艺术家活动。2019年9月30日参加《共和国七十年文化之旅》特别推荐作品在人民日报、凤凰网、网易、今日头条、文化博览等网络报道。2019年 12月16日 作品入选由中国楹联学会书法研究会开展《联墨艺术进校园》———传承经典中国当代名家作品集编纂; 2019年12月26日受CCTV-4《国宝档案》邀請,作品作为国家珍贵文墨进行存档;2020年3月13日参加《振奋人心,凝聚力量》 笔墨书心,共战疫情活动,作品在人民日报网、搜狐网、今日头条、凤凰网、一点资讯、书画文化博览等报导;4月2日应国际新闻联合中心邀请,参与中国在国际上呼吁的“命运与共,全球战疫”特别报道,提词创作活动,授予“新冠战‘疫’特别模范艺术家”称号!2020年7月参加由中国互联网联盟主办的“守文化之重、创时代之新”中华优秀传统文化艺术大家作品网络展播活动。9月14日参加2020年度全球各界顶级人物“年度之最”活动,作品在中国经济联播、环球收藏网、环球人物网、世界名人书画网展播;2020年9月29日参加 “情浓翰墨、笔书国魂”中国当代优秀艺术名家活动,作品在中国(深圳)文化博览交易会线上文博会、中国访谈网、中国商务报道、中国新闻资讯报道。2021年3月3日参加中国楹联学会书法研究会“时代丹青 翰墨名家”特邀书画家献礼全国两会网络展播;2021年03月在搜狐、今日头条、网易、腾讯新闻、中国书画网等20媒体刊登“笔墨传经典 功勋耀中华”--中国当代极具创作力的新文艺书法名家阮祖英专题报道。2021年4月26日作品参加《正新风,扬国粹》2021年全国高层艺术人才,中国新闻报道中华网、中国财经报网、书法家网、中国书画网、中国文艺报道、中国教育、中国艺术新闻等10家网络媒体展播。2021年5月,参加 CCTV组织,获得“建党百年全国首批书法传承人”称号。2021年6月24日,参加中国书画艺术网、中国财经时报、凤凰网、中国焦点、中国新闻资讯等45家新闻媒体对“文化中国”书画网络巡展的展播。2021年9月参加由中国互联网联盟、世界名人书画主办“中国当代优秀人民艺术家”活动,作品在人民日报新闻媒体报道。2022年6月,应中艺联盟(北京)信息科学研究院举办的藏品精粹——名家精品拍卖网络作品展。2022年7月参加由中央文化和旅游管理干部学院组织”书画人才高级研修班”学习,并颁发结业证书。2022年10月,作品入选荣宝斋国家级艺术类核心期刊。2023年4月23日由华夏国艺书画艺术中心邀请,参加中国书画形象人物作品展;2023年4月应中国商务网特邀作为“亚太经合特别推荐东方艺术大家”在中国商务网平台进行专项报道推荐;2023年4月28日在世界文联精英网,参加“笔墨随时代 丹青绘山河”网络主题展频。2023年5月参加央视在线2023收藏指数推荐五星艺术家-阮祖英作品展播。2023年6月作品入编中国美术出版社2023年度重大美术选题系列项目《中国美术通史》文献。8月作品在环球邮报中文网,对外文化特别推荐艺术大师阮祖英专题动态报道。




人民日报民生周刊袭古创今纪录片评价:阮祖英书法的整体面貌:楷书圆润、挺拔、雄壮、厚重,而又灵活多变,笔笔不同;错落有致,而又统一和谐;行书笔毫的使转相互牵连,以传统的提按为主,藏锋、逆锋、方笔、切笔互用,形成舒展,流动的韵律,神采飞扬,富有节奏。“笔精墨妙 典雅清逸”乃阮祖英书法创作的真实写照,在楷书、行书的基础上,他更长于草书,善用章法来营造书法的整体气势,通过对字形的大小、长短、开合以至用笔的轻重徐疾、墨韵浓淡枯润的变化,构筑书法作品平衡统一的整体,其用笔既紧扣千古不易的“中锋”,又临机巧运,变幻莫测,笔不到而意到,形神兼备,初看喜欢,久看更爱,让观赏者透过笔墨神韵能感受到其丰富多姿且自然成趣的意境之美。



Ruan Zuying: The pen name is elegant. National senior calligrapher and national senior calligrapher. He is now a member of the Calligraphers Association of the Central State Organs; a member of the People's Committee of Fine Arts and Artists; a member of the New Literature and Art Group Calligraphers Working Committee of the China Calligraphers and Painters Association; an executive director of the Calligraphy Research Association of the China Federation of Calligraphy; a The honorary title of "100 outstanding people's calligraphers and painters", the honorary title of "China's New Great Wall Artist", the honorary title of "Special Model Artist of the "epidemic" in the COVID-19 War", the honorary title of "Lei Feng's Successor in the New Era"; the title of "the first batch of calligraphy inherit.

With his diligent and hard work, he can do everything. He uses the strengths of hundreds of families for his own use. Through years of artistic practice, he has gradually formed his own artistic language and artistic style. Use the pen to fly naturally. In the roundness of the pen, it is staggered and integrated. Between the words, it echoes up and down the air, and the flow is beautiful and natural. The lines of its calligraphy works are beautiful, the pen is exquisite, the brushwork is clear and bold, the layout is rigorous, full of personality, elegant and elegant, the He often publishes works in books, periodicals and the Internet. His works have won many awards, tour exhibitions and collections in the National Calligraphy Competition, and have been specially reported by authoritative media at home and abroad.

The works have also been selected into large-scale comprehensive documents such as Chinese Artists of the Times, Innovation and Dreams of Leading Contemporary Art Figures, Chinese Leading Figures, Collection of Chinese Celebrities and so on. In 2014, he participated in the second National Hard Pen Calligraphy Album Hand Scroll Art Exhibition and won the award. In 2015, he participated in the 6th China International Calligraphy and Painting Art Competition. In 2017, he won the "Great Wall of China Culture Gold Award". His representative calligraphy works are permanently engraved in the history of the Badaling New Great Wall. In December 2017, the work was selected as a collection of achievements of China's "100 Experts" and a large-scale document of "China's Innovation Force" published by China News Joint Publishing House. In January 2018, the work was selected into the publication People's Art Artists published by the People's Daily. In January 2018, his works made a special report on Ruan Zuying's book in 15 media, including New Great Wall Media, Baidu, Xinhuanet, Sina, Global Network and Toutiao. In March 2018, he participated in the exhibition of the Two Sessions of the leading representatives of calligraphy and painting in the new era on ifeng.com. In April 2018, his works participated in the exhibition of outstanding contributions to the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening up reported by Chinese enterprises. On May 4, the work was selected into the large-scale document of Outstanding People in China published by China Cultural Development Publishing House. On May 25, he was invited to participate in the People's Livelihood Weekly of the People's Daily: Attacking the Ancient and the Present, interview documentary shooting. In June, the China Enterprise Report and the China Enterprise Newspaper League Information Science Research Institute recommended to enterprises to help the construction of enterprise culture into the "China Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Famous Library"; in May 2019, the works participated in the People's Daily and other online media to recommend "Contemporary Art Leading Figures" to promote art culture and commend advanced artists. Activity. On September 30, 2019, the specially recommended works of the "Seventy Years of Cultural Tour of the Republic" were reported on the People's Daily, Phoenix Network, NetEase, Toutiao, Cultural Expo and other online reports. On December 16, 2019, the works were selected by the Calligraphy Research Association of the China Federation Association to carry out "Lian Mo Art into the Campus" - a collection of works of inheriting classic Chinese contemporary celebrities. On December 26, 2019, he was invited by CCTV-4 "National Treasure Archives", and the works were stored as national precious ink. File; On March 13, 2020, he participated in the "Inspiring, Gathering the Strength" pen, ink and calligraphy, and fought against the epidemic. His works were reported on the People's Daily Network, Sohu.com, Toutiao, Phoenix.com, Yidian Information, Calligraphy and Painting Culture Expo, etc.; on April 2, at the invitation of the International News Call for the special report of "Fate Together, Global War Epidemic", mention creation activities, and award the title of "Special Model Artist of COVID-19 War 'Epidemic'"! In July 2020, he participated in the online exhibition of Chinese excellent traditional culture and art works sponsored by the China Internet Alliance. On September 14, he participated in the 2020 "Best of the Year" event of the world's top figures in the world. His works were broadcast on China Economic Network, Global Collection Network, Global People Network, and World Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Network. On September 29, 2020, he participated in the "Love and Ink, Pen Calligraphy National Soul" in Contemporary China.

Excellent art celebrity activities, works of China (Shenzhen) Cultural Expo Online Cultural Expo, China Interview Network, China Business Report, China News and Information Report. On March 3, 2021, he participated in the online exhibition of "Time Danqing Calligraphy and Calligraphy Masters" of the Calligraphy Research Association of the China Jacaranda Association. In March 2021, he published a special report of Ruan Zuying, a contemporary creative new literary and artistic calligrapher in China, such as Sohu, Toutiao, NetEase, Tencent News, China Calligraphy and Painting Network, etc. On April 26, 2021, his works participated in the 2021 national high-level art talents, including China News Report China Network, China Finance News Network, Calligrapher Network, China Calligraphy and Painting Network, China Literature and Art Report, China Education, China Art News and other 10 online media exhibitions. In May 2021, he joined the CCTV organization and won the title of "the first batch of calligraphy inheritors in the country in the centenary of the founding of the Party".

On June 24, 2021, he participated in the "Cultural China" calligraphy and painting network tour exhibition of 45 news media, including China Calligraphy and Painting Art Network, China Financial Times, Phoenix Network, China Focus, and China News Information. In September 2021, he participated in the "Outstanding Chinese Artists of Contemporary China" sponsored by the China Internet Alliance and World Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting, and the work was reported in the news media of People's Daily. In June 2022, the collection essence - famous boutique auction online works exhibition held by the China Art Alliance (Beijing) Information Science Research Institute. In July 2022, he participated in the "Advanced Training Class for Calligraphy and Painting Talents" organized by the Central College of Cultural and Tourism Management Cadres, and issued a certificate of completion. In October 2022, the work was selected into the national core art journal of Rongbaozhai. On April 23, 2023, he was invited by the Huaxia National Art, Calligraphy and Painting Art Center to participate in the exhibition of Chinese calligraphy and painting image figures. In April 2023, he was specially invited by China Business Network to make a special report recommendation on the platform of China Business Network. On April 28, 2023, he was born in the world. Jiewenlian Elite Network participated in the "pen and ink at any time, Danqing painting mountains and rivers" network theme exhibition frequency. In May 2023, he participated in the exhibition of Ruan Zuying, a five-star artist recommended by CCTV Online 2023 Collection Index. In June 2023, the work was included in the document "The General History of Chinese Art" of the 2023 major art topic selection series project of China Fine Arts Publishing House. In August, the works were reported on the Chinese website of the Globe and Mail, and the special dynamic report of the art master Ruan Zuying was specially recommended for foreign culture.

The literature of "A Collection of Chinese Celebrities" evaluates his book: it is a book that extracts essence from tradition and subliates natural aesthetics. No matter how busy you are at work, you will squeeze out time every day. In calligraphy and entertainment, it seeks innovation, seeks, change and always maintain the youthful vitality of art in art.

The literature of "Records of Outstanding Figures in China" evaluates his calligraphy: it has its own inheritance, meteorology, unique style, integrated layout, elegant and elegant, and a kind of indulgent and elegant emotions between the lines. It is indeed a rare calligrapher with profound cultural heritage today.

Evaluation of the Organizing Committee of the New Great Wall of China: It has been immersed in traditional Chinese culture for many years and has obtained the same origin of calligraphy and painting. It organically combines the freehand brushwork of characters in landscape traditional Chinese painting with the points of cursive calligraphy, striving to put intention first and pursue the beauty of traditional Chinese painting in the layout of rules. His cursive calligraphy not only gets Zhang Xu's exciting, sudden and elegant soul; it also has the wonderful charm of Mi Fu's twists and turns and ancient charm. Under the fine taste, it is strong and powerful, and there is also a sound at the ground. With pen and ink, it is completed in one go.

People's Daily Minsheng Weekly Attack Ancient and Modern Documentary Evaluation: The overall appearance of Ruan Zuying's calligraphy: the regular script is round, straight, majestic, heavy, but flexible and changeable, with different pens; staggered, unified and harmonious; the calligraphy and pens are intertwined with each other, mainly based on the traditional press, Tibetan front Use, form a stretched, flowing rhythm, brilliance and rhythm. The fine ink is elegant and elegant" is the true portrayal of Ruan Zuying's calligraphy creation. On the basis of regular calligraphy and running calligraphy, he is longer than cursive calligraphy and is good at using the rules to create the overall momentum of calligraphy. Through the change of the size, length, opening and closing of the glyph to the weight of the pen On the whole, the pen is not only closely linked to the "middle front" that has not been easy for the ages, but also unpredictable. The pen is not easy to mean, with both shape and spirit. At first sight, I like it, and I love it more after a long time, so that the viewer can feel the beauty of its rich, colorful and natural and interesting.

CCTV4 National Treasure Archives Evaluation: The first impression of Mr. Ruan Zuying's works is that he is flexible and elegant, with straight lines and full of charm. The work is deeply hidden in the corner of Gui. It must be collected in the past. It is dense and balanced, and the image is natural. It is dangerous in the middle of the peace, and interesting in the danger. The change of thickness and shape makes the stroke lines in calligraphy have a strong sense of rhythm. The word also has a sense of free and elegant, stable and quiet.

From February to March 2020, he sacrificed love to fight the "epidemic" and not only cheered for the angels in white with a brush in his hand! Cheer for Wuhan! Cheer for China! Join the front-line volunteer service of the fight against the "epidemic" in person and contribute to the fight against the "epidemic" in many ways. Participating in volunteer service to the community, I was interviewed by Xiangyang TV Station, Time Weekly telephone interview, People's Daily Network, Phoenix and other media reported on their volunteer deeds in the fight against the "epidemic".


Appreciation of Ruan Zuying's art works


Ruan Zuying Art 1


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